The Doug Crane Classic

SUNDAY 17 DECEMBER 2023 | 9:30AM

All members are invited to participate in the long-standing Doug Crane Classic.  Please note that active patrolling members and carnival competitors are eligible to win the event.  Registration is not required, just turn up at the patrol tent and be ready for a 9:30am start.



A successful running of the (catch up) 2022 Doug Crane Classic was held on Sunday 12 February 2023.  Tropical Cyclone Gabrielle was avoided, but not the Southerly winds.  28 swimmers took part with excellent water safety provided by Ross Bloore’s Patrol 10 with extra help from Bob Richardson, Chris McGuckin and Doug Lucas on Jetski.

First home | Ashley Brown (6:42), second male Murray Palmer and Toby Lehman third.

First Female | Gem Lehman, second Krystal Elliott and Victoria Stillwell third.


This race, in the name of the late longstanding Life Member Doug Crane, is an opportunity for the best surf swimmers in the Club to show their talents over a course of approximately 1km. Generally held on the same day as the Nipper’s Christmas party , the winner’s* names will be engraved on the Doug Crane Classic paddle on display in the Clubhouse Hall of Champions.   *This event is open to all Club members and Nipper carnival competitors to participate, however, only Active patrolling members and Nipper carnival competitors are eligible to win.  Keep an eye on the newsfeed for the date of the Doug Crane Classic.  Registration is not required.

Doug was a member of Avalon Beach SLSC for 65 years having gained his Bronze Medallion back in 1946. Doug was saving lives on our beach well before rubber ducks, rescue boards, wetsuits and tubes. A rescue then meant swimming out attached to a heavy belt and line, something at which Doug excelled, being the Junior Belt Race champion in his first year and then the Senior Belt race and Senior Swim Champion for three years running a couple of years later.

Over the years Doug was a driving force within the club holding the Club Presidency from 1977 – 1989, an incredible 12 years, only almost matched since by Warren Young 1990-2001. He was also the Club’s Vice Captain, Patrol Captain, Registrar, a Life Membership Committee Member and Club Delegate to Branch.

Doug was awarded Life Membership of the Club in season 1982/83 and awarded the Club Honour Blazer in season 2005/06. In the 1995-96 season he was one of four to be awarded the first 50 Year Service Awards (along with Max Watt, Reg Wood, and Ken Davidson). In 1999 he received the Commonwealth Recognition Award for Senior Australians.

In 2003-04 Doug, then in his 70’s, finally decided to retire from patrols and the last Sunday swim for the year was renamed The Doug Crane Classic. In 2005-06, Doug received the 60 Year Award. In 2008 Doug received the Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches Distinguished Service Award.

Thank you to our swim organiser Tim Hixson for organising this great event.